Monday, May 18, 2009
Give at Lunch!
To date we are 35% there, with 4.9% of students participating. Our goal is to have 15% of all graduating student participate, any amount counts.
We'll make it easy- hand money to us at lunch, or give here online.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Give with John!
Thanks to the 3% of the class has given individually, as well as to the Architecture department, whose sizeable gift helped us reach this mid-term goal.
If you haven't made your gift, join President Maeda tomorrow night and you can make your gift together. As always you can give online (remember to write "Senior Gift" in the restricted gift line). And stay tuned here to keep up on our progress.
Monday, April 27, 2009
John Maeda's Challenge

To get our Senior Gift going John Maeda has issued a challenge: raise enough money for the first 5 bins by May 6th, and he’ll personally buy the next one. So far we are on our way to meeting this goal; help us bridge the gap and show John that we can raise the money to be announced at the last Student Alliance and Graduate Student Alliance meetings of the year.
We only have ONE WEEK left to fulfill John's challenge! Make your Mark on campus!
Please give to the Class Gift. No matter the amount, it is important. You can go to and make your gift online; or fill out the form that is in your RISD mailbox and return it in the given envelope to the mailroom.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Class of 2009 to Lead the Way
The Class of 2009 has announced RISD’s 1st Annual Senior Gift campaign, with the goal of raising enough money to give RISD twenty industrial-sized bins to facilitate the recycling of art supplies on campus through 2nd Life. The bins will be similar to the bins we use for move-in day, but usage will be reserved specifically for 2nd Life recycling.
Each bin costs approximately $250, so the Senior Gift Committee has set a fund raising goal of $5,000. The Committee is asking every member of the Class of 2009 to make a donation of $20.09 in honor of our class year to help support recycling here at RISD.
Giving is easy! Simply go online to and write “Senior Gift” in the box asking where you’d like your gift to be directed.
Then be sure to return to this blog frequently in order to see how our Class Gift Campaign is progressing!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Thread from
Hello all,
John started a thread on about 2nd life and the Senior Class Gift is on there!
Check it out!